Laura arrived on the busiest day I've ever seen the band office. Not only were the Health side and the Admin side of the office there in full force, there was also a council meeting and a few education classes taking place. People were running into each other in the small hallways and the coffee was constantly running out (not a good thing here in Beaver.. folks like their coffee hot and stocked up). She met a lot of people that day!
As it was Elder's week, Laura and I helped with Elder's bingo. It's important to not call the numbers too fast or too slow, and to call loud. It's also important to roll with the jokes and stay on your toes- Elders are clever.
I'm settling into a routine now and I feel quite comfortable here in Beaver. I've (almost!) learned most peoples names and most people seem to know me. Rain has been falling and the garden in the back is growing at quite the clip. The potatoes have completely sprouted and are happy, but my tomatoes... well... they're still alive.
Leon came to visit this weekend and made the 8 hour drive up from Edmonton. Laura, Leon and I decided to make the trip up to Twin Falls in NWT. I haven't been North of 60 before this weekend, and crossing the border meant lots of photos!

We made it to the campground and managed to set up camp right before a thunderstorm rolled in. As we cooked supper, the clouds opened up so we ate our steak and corn frantically under the tarp. We roasted some marshmallows and Laura tried her hand at jiffy pop. The jiffy pop set on fire. Twice.
The next morning after a damp sleep we made the hike out to the falls. It's not a long distance between Alexander Falls and Louise Falls, which was ideal because it allowed us to explore close to the falls and avoid mosquitos.
I'll sign off here with an album of us exploring the falls. You can click on it to make the pictures a bit bigger. Enjoy!