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Hello Everyone!

Thanks for tuning into my blog. I guess I'll start with introducing who I am, what Engage North is, and where I am staying for the summer!

My name is Libby. I was born ever slightly North in Cold Lake AB. When I graduated high school, I made the journey to the "Big City"; Edmonton- where I now go to school at the University of Alberta. I'm in a BA in Urban and Regional Planning, which essentially means that I look at helping communities solve the goals they have for the future (or at least, that is what I hope I'll do). Also, this means I love maps, so any time I can insert one into this blog you know I will. For the summer, I've been accepted into the Engage North program. It's an amazing program through the University that connects Northern First Nations to U of A interns. Over early May, I spent time on campus training and getting to know the other interns. It was a great experience and it was wonderful to get to know everyone. I unfortunately won't see most of them until the end of the summer, as they are travelling to other communities, like Pangnirtung NU, Ndilo NWT, and Chateh AB. Here's a picture of us:

From L to R: Myself, Laura (who will be joining me in Beaver), Yashi (Nunavut), Rachel (NWT), and Liza (Chateh)

Now more about Beaver! Beaver First Nations is located in northern Alberta. They have two Reserve areas northwest of Fort Vermillion. They are a part of Treaty 8 and the North Peace Tribal Council. Here's a map to show you where I am:

I'll be living above their firehall for the summer in a cozy loft, along with my roommate, Laura. I'll be focusing on Lands and Consultation during the internship- but also learning more about the way of life, culture, and traditions.

I'm looking forward to writing more in this blog and sharing my experiences, pictures, and life while I'm here.




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